Why AVSC Doesn't Make Shampoo

The biggest benefit of being independent and small, is it is easier to listen to customers and attempt to give them what they want in a reasonable time frame, unlike major corporations. So when AVSC fans asked for shampoo, we began the R&D for it, and eventually killed it before even "mastering" it. Why?

We believe shampoo is pretty much a scam. Because it is water based, the profit margins are usually very high, and it is easier to make a lot of at one time (unlike say, shaving soap). The alleged use is that shampoo cleans your hair. While that may technically be true, it is only technical.

Shampoo's primary function is to strip your hair of everything, not just dirt. That way you buy a complimentary bottle of conditioner, which has even higher profit margins and is even more concentrated with water. Okay, so what is the solution then? Well, we did our own experiment. For over a month we used our tallow soap as a shampoo bar, and only used it when it was necessary. If we weren't coming back from a workout or a dirty job in the yard or similar, we simply rinsed. The few times we did clean with the tallow bar, we used a very light amount of lather, and very gently massaged it in.

Our hair broke far less often, was just as clean, and looked healthier than it had in months, maybe years. Your sebum is your natural conditioner, not your scented bottle of water.  We don't recommend shampoo. It is a classic consumerism product that has been adopted as a necessity, a far cry from the truth. Use a tallow/non-seed oil natural soap bar when your hair is actually dirty, and you will be better off.

The only thing daily shampoo cleans out is your wallet.

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