Deodorant Explained

We are going to attempt to explain some science about underarm odor, and how deodorant combats it in theory.

Lets start with the source of the problem. Your underarms are actually some of the most sensitive parts of the body. They get almost no exposure to the sun or elements, they rub constantly against your body and clothes, and relative to most other parts have thinner skin. This all contributes to irritation.

On top of that, it is warm, wet, and trapped. This is a wonderful little bedrock for bacteria, which when they interact with the odorless sweat on your skin, produce compounds that reek. So our culprit is basically bacteria farts and sweat is their food.

In the deodorant industry, there are two main solutions to underarm stink. The most common solution is to starve the bacteria, also known as antiperspirant. The general idea is by blocking your sweat glands entirely, the bacteria on your arm have no food to produce compounds from, preventing stink.

Option two is what we call scorched Earth. In other words, make the environment brutal enough that bacteria cannot survive or proliferate. This is done by raising the pH level of your underarms, which is the route we chose in our deodorant. You will definitely still sweat, and the scorched earth option from our testing does have a less effective attack on odor than antiperspirant. The main reason we use a clay and magnesium approach is because your body absorbs a fraction of a fraction of it, if at all. This usually contributes to gentleness for the user, and peace of mind.

There are many myths regarding the dangers of deodorant and antiperspirant. Every pit is different, so we simply recommend what your body recommends. If your body has a much lower pH than normal, then scorched Earth deodorants likely irritate you and may even leave rashes. If you have abnormally high pH underarms, scorched Earth deodorants will likely be less effective than antiperspirant. For most people, natural deodorant and antiperspirant both work well once your body adjusts to them. That said, reducing stress, eating healthy foods, and maintaining a healthy weight increase the quality of your sweat. The lower the quality, the more stinky the bacteria farts.

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