AVSC: 2025

For the loyal customers that have been around since the end of 2021, you know we have gone through a lot of changes. A large part of that was because we weren't even sure if we were going to pursue this project as true full time job and try to establish AVSC as a real alternative for the masses, but as time went on, our passion grew. We changed the aesthetic many times, most of the time to learn that side of business as quickly as possible. The chemistry we get, the graphic design was much more foreign. Learning from the early on mistakes paved way to The Syndicate Update however, so it was a necessary growing pain as far as we are concerned.

Of course, the economy we were born in was one of the most hostile in small business history. Literally by the skin of our teeth are we still operating, and we are by no means out of the woods yet. In our renewal blog post  we made it clear that 2025 will be the last year we try to pull something out of AVSC in the way of viability, and that is still very much true. This post is to shed some light on the current outlook and plan ahead for the rest of the year.

Early 2024 we tested the waters with Amazon, mainly to learn the platform and get used to how it works. In 2025 however, the goal is to do a full launch of all staples on Amazon, with prime shipping. The main objective is to achieve a spot in the top ten best sellers list for Shaving Soap, so we hope you will support our efforts in securing that when it comes time. For now though, we are still building capital to build the inventory.

AVSC was always meant to be a true alternative for the masses. That means very competitive pricing, and for a while, we delivered, but was ultimately thwarted by inflation. We are still grappling with inflation, but we are essentially betting the business on that turning around in 2025. The Syndicate update was the most expensive expense ever spent on AVSC since the launch inventory, and so far the response has been great. With the aesthetics out of the way for the most part, we will continue to get clever with the actual end labels to further cut down costs to pass to you all.

No doubt at all that things will continue to develop and change throughout the year as we try to cut costs on everything but the good stuff inside the package, to make sure you all get the best quality possible at the best price we can afford. For AVSC to live though, our volume will have to hit a record high this year. It is the ultimate catch 22, we need the margin to afford scaling, but we need the volume also, which requires a low margin. All with a tiny budget, it has not been easy to say the least.

No matter what happens, we will give it our all to be the most competitive Artisan out there, and we are forever grateful for all the support for the last 3+ years. Here is hoping that 2025 is a total AVSC takeover.

God Bless
The AVSC Team

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